Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 4

OK, am officially out of synch - this is Day 4 and I've forgotten Day 3. I'm sure it was a great time. Right... it involved the Victoria and Albert Museum and picking up theatre tickets. The architecture room at V&A was more educational than creative/artistic. Saw original plans and drawings by Palladin, Nash, Sloane, Lloyd Wright, Gilbert Scott, etc. Glass section was quite good but the impact of the Tacoma Museum of Glass is more thrilling.

By the way, saw Billy Elliot last night - pretty weak in general but talented namesake. Today, we tossed a red frisbee at the Jean Nouvel pavillion at the Serpentine Gallery. Wwalked again through the K, H, St. J Parks to Westminster Bridge and took the Millenium Eye for a 1/2 hour eye feast. Walked back home and all are napping in preparation for "Wicked" at Apollo Theatre. Lovely day: sun, clouds, breezy. [back from the play now - what a spectacle! Very entertaining]

Jayme had to wash his feet 'cause they smelled so bad at the dinner table.

1 comment:

Karen MacDonell said...

Had supper last night @ an English pub. Food very average and Karen thought the beer weak.